Lesson 1
7 Stages of Change
Welcome to JumpStart
What to Eat
Constructing a Healthy Plate
Change is Possible
We are going to talk about the 7 stages of Healing or Change.
You are here doing this course because you want to change or heal. I'm sure you have experienced the frustration of wanting to change something in the past, but not achieving your goals or not for the long term.
Here are the stages:
Denial or Unawareness - You probably aren't in this stage because you are taking this course. You have some awareness that you want to heal. In this stage, there is an unawareness or denial that change or healing is needed. Sometimes there is an awareness that healing is needed, but some denial or unawareness of the root cause of the problem in the first place.
Anger or Frustration - You know you want to heal or change, but there are some difficult emotions and mindsets you need to work through. This stage can present itself as envy, blame, resentment, or feeling that life or a situation is unfair.
Depression - Feeling of hopelessness regarding the situation. This can present itself in false acceptance of a problem, shutting down emotions related to the problem, feeling like a victim with no agency, and low energy or motivation to make adjustments related to the problem.
Bargaining - Looking for a quick fix or beating yourselves up to motivate change. In this stage, we see the process of change as something we don't really want to do to get to the goal or outcome we want. Many diets and fitness regimens prey on people in the bargaining stage.
Acceptance - This is when you start enjoying the process and with less focus on the ultimate goal or even expecting the situation to change. You accept the problem or situation with compassion and self-love, this leads to a true ability to start to make incremental changes toward healing. This is the difference between someone dieting and restricting and someone eating in a healthy way because they like to.
Light Emerging - Letting go of limiting beliefs, practicing presence and emotional awareness, and adding new habits that create positive feedback loops are all signs you are in this stage.
Creation of New Life - The change or goals you had at the beginning may not even be the same once you get to this stage, but your happiness, relationships, and health are improving. Your ability to affect change and healing in your life is second nature and you are regularly gravitating toward the people, opportunities, and choices that create positive outcomes in your life.
Most of my clients when they start with me have been rotating through the first 4 stages of change for a long time, but are at the point where their motivation is high enough to want to exit the cycle. You may be in the same place and that is why you are doing this course!
I have an exercise in the pdf for you to work through to help you identify what stage you are in and some areas where you are ready to heal. So go get a pen and paper open the document and start this journey.
It's important that you write something down somewhere to start making incremental shifts.
Your subconscious mind has an even stronger memory than your conscious mind when it comes to emotions. She also likes to feel good. She will start to effortlessly motivate your conscious mind to choose things that make YOU feel good. Once this happens, it won’t feel like a fight anymore to change certain habits.
The reflections can be very simple, keep them wherever is easy and convenient for you to quickly update and track. For example, if you want to make changes related to food, start reflecting after every meal and snack like this:
"Burger & fries for lunch now feeling full & bloated" or satisfied, hungry, stomachache, headache, brain fogged, tired, happy, energetic.
How you feel about yourself after each related action and actually writing it down makes this endeavor stick in your subconscious. This is key. I have to say it again because it’s so important. How you feel after each action and writing it down makes it stick in your subconscious
When you do this several times, this is when it starts to create lasting changes!
Get the Reflection